Dose Administration Aid 

Numerous studies show pharmacist intervention can lead to better patient medication compliance. Up to 25 percent of consumers are non-compliant with their medication regime. Through using a dose administration aid (Webster pack), the incidence of medication misadventure can be reduced.

Pricing Structure 

Patients that choose to join our monthly dose administration aid program will be charged a $5 fee per pack. All medications dispensed for packing will be charged as normal but to a personalised account. Account statements will be sent out to patients monthly for payment.

Once off packs will incur a charge of $15. For more information please contact our pharmacy.  

The image used is for demonstration purposes only and is a fictional patient profile.

Boosts Medication Compliance

Makes it easier to follow a prescribed medication regime for patients and carers

Reduces Dosing Incidents 

Packs include clear instructions alongside outlined allergies, patient information and medication photos. 


Portable, discreet, easy to travel with. It also reduces a patients time spent sorting out medications themselves.